Transformation Tuesday: Distracted by Addictions
Media exposure has become America’s most widespread and serious addiction. – George Barna
Media consumption is an addiction because it offers constant stimulation and alleviates our boredom. Boredom is a help to us. When we’re bored, we find some work to do or some book to read. We might even reach out to a friend for companionship. Media takes away the discomfort of boredom. We can scroll away our boredom during work, after work, and even in the minutes before falling asleep. As an addiction, media shrinks our attention span continuously, requiring even more fast-pasting media to keep away the boredom.
We know it’s an addiction, but it’s one we choose to ignore. If we saw our friends doing drugs, we would likely intervene, but we don’t say anything to our friends who spend several hours a day scrolling through streaming films and social media.
Media addiction is a massive distraction. The people and corporations intentionally create media that will get your attention and shorten your attention span. They make more money by distracting you from your real life. What could be a greater hindrance to our discipleship? To our mission? What is not happening in our lives and at BBC and in Sunset Park because we are simply distracted?
The antidote to media addiction is the spiritual disciplines. Our souls grow in silence and meditation. Scripture memory and prayer force us to focus, to pay attention, and to commune with God. Using these disciplines, we can realign our souls and then focus on the needs of others. We can stay on mission of making disciples.
Media Talk 101 is a good resource for you and your family to take control of the media in your home. You are in charge at your home, and you don’t have to let anything stream into your home at any time. And please be ever vigilant in guarding your children. The trailer for the main program is here. You can watch the entire video for free by registering. The website contains even more links to specific topics such as toddlers and media and video game addictions. Please make use of these resources and make it a priority in your life to steward media well. Since media is all-pervasive, someone has said, “If you don’t have a screen plan, you don’t have a life plan.”
“All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful.” “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up. Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor. So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10