Our beliefs at Brooklyn Baptist are not new. They are essentially the same beliefs that have been held and cherished by the church for nearly 2000 years. We still affirm The Apostles’ Creed, one of the earliest creeds ever written by the church, and the London Baptist Confession of 1689.
We believe that God created the world and that he made man and woman in his own image. When the man and woman disobeyed God, sin came into the world and caused death and suffering. We believe that the entire story of the Bible is the story of Jesus Christ and how he came into the world to die and make reconciliation for us with God. Those who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ as their only Savior will be saved and live forever. Brooklyn Baptist Church exists to glorify God and spread the good news of Jesus Christ to all the nations.
Below, you'll find our Statement of Faith.
We believe in the plenary, verbal inspiration of the Scriptures (Old and New Testaments) and that they are the only infallible, and all-sufficient rule of faith.
We believe in one God, perfect in all His attributes, one in essence, existing in three eternal persons—Father Son, and Holy Spirit, and each equally deserving our worship
Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ was born of virgin birth, that He was sinless, and therefore lived on earth as God in human flesh (deity). His death on the cross was sacrificial to redeem all who will believe on Him alone as Savior and Lord. His literal resurrection from the grace and present role as the only mediator between God and men. His literal imminent, and premillenial second coming.
We believe that man was created perfect in innocence and by free choice fell from his happy estate, and now all by nature are sinners under the wrath of God and have no power in themselves to save themselves apart from God’s grace through the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ and the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that salvation is wholly a supernatural work of divine grace accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit through the instrumentality of the Word of God, and is an instantaneous transformation of the inner man and declaration of righteousness to all who, as a result of divine regeneration, place their faith in Christ, repent of their sins, and confess Him as Lord. The genuiness of one’s salvation is then validated by the fruit worthy of repentance as seen in righteous character and conduct.
We believe that those who place their faith in Jesus Christ are immediately placed by the Holy Spirit into one united spiritual body, the Church, the bride of Christ and that the purpose of the Church is to glorify God by building itself up in the faith by the instruction of the Word of God, by keeping the ordinances, and by advancing and communicating the gospel to the entire world.
The Spirit-Filled Life
We believe in the Spirit-filled life. The Holy Spirit as the supernatural and sovereign Agent in regeneration baptizes all believers into the body of Christ at the moment of salvation. The Holy Spirit also indwells, sanctifies, instructs, empowers them for service, and seals them unto the day of redemption. Therefore every genuine believer will persevere in the faith until the end and is eternally secure.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of all humanity, the saved unto eternal life in a literal heaven, and the unbeliever unto eternal judgment in a literal hell.