Worldview Wednesday: Relativism or Moral Absolutes?

If you’ve spent any time in the park, you’ll find that most people are relativists. They don’t believe in truth or any absolute standard for truth—what’s true for you may not be what’s true for me. It’s impossible, of course, to live consistently as a relativist, so you’ll find that relativists still wear seatbelts and still believe in right and wrong. 

When you suppress God’s law, your human nature still needs law, so a law will still pop out here and there while you’re trying to suppress the real law. Kevin DeYoung points out in his article the recent move toward moral absolutes. Instead of saying, “Just let us do our own thing,” relativists now make their own moral demands. You may pretend you are a woman and wear women’s clothing, but you may not, you must not, say anything about women in general. You need to be prepared to understand God’s law and be experienced in applying it to current circumstances, which is why we need to be saturated in the daily reading of the Scriptures and make use of helpful writings of the past. God’s law is the only ethical truth we have to stand on; everything else is shifting and sinking sand.