Life Groups are small groups of church members that meet together for community and discipleship. Life Groups meet at different times and locations throughout the week.


BBC has a faithful group of people who love to hear God’s Word! But we need to spend more time discussing God’s Word and putting it into practice. Life Groups provide an opportunity to do that with accountability from our brothers and sisters in Christ.


As the body of Christ, our church relationships should be among the most important in our lives. Yet, we often see each other less than one hour each week, and we actually interact personally fewer than 5 minutes each week. In order to have meaningful relationships, we need to meet together in more meaningful ways. Life Groups are a way to meet on a more personal level and in more intimate settings.


Christians do much more than simply hear God’s Word once a week. There are numerous “one another” imperatives in the New Testament. Life Groups give you the opportunity to sacrifice and love one another.


Contact us about joining a Life Group.

Life Groups meet on Sundays at 6:00 or Wednesdays at 7:30.

Send us a note and we'll give you more information about where and how to join.