Why We Do ACE
Next week our ACE ministry opens its doors to the community, and we are preparing for about 100 students. You’ve probably been asked to volunteer (multiple times!), and many of you are planning to be there.
I wanted to encourage you by reminding you of the two reasons we do ACE. The first is nothing less than loving our neighbors. The struggle against selfishness is a daily fight, and we need to look outside ourselves and serve. The people of Sunset Park are our actual neighbors, and it is our privilege to share with them what we have been given.
The second reason is to build God’s Kingdom. Most of us our so focused on our own Christian life, that we don’t give a lot of our time and energy into building God’s kingdom. We are here in one of the most important cities of the world—what have we done to spread the kingdom here? We have the answers to life’s most important questions—we have the only hope for the world—how have we communicated it to our neighbors? It is difficult to gain an audience with 21st century people, but ACE allows us to speak to our friends who are coming into our building. It is really is an extraordinary opportunity.
If you are not working in ACE in some capacity, please do so—the blessing will be yours! If you absolutely cannot come during the scheduled times, you can pray! Pray for our students, for the workers, and for God’s blessing on our work.