Theology Thursday: Using Your Spiritual Gifts

How are you using your spiritual gift? That’s the question we want to ask as we approach the end of 1 Corinthians. We’ve seen a lot of things NOT to do with spiritual gifts, but our takeaway needs to be more positive. Here are four points to recap and consider about using your gifts.

  1. The body isn’t functioning fully without your gifts, and you are not functioning correctly without the rest of the body’s gifts. Are you a faithful part of the body? Are you using your gifts in the body?

  2. How are you developing your gifts? In what ways are you seeking to improve your exercise of gifts (practice, mentorship, study)? Our gifts are resources that God expects us to invest in and steward wisely.

  3. In what ways are your gifts building up the Kingdom? Are you just doing a job or are you connecting your service with the bigger goal of making disciples in Christ’s kingdom?

  4. Are you exercising your gifts in love? Love for God and others has to be the reason we use our gifts. It’s the difference between teaching on a topic you think is interesting or teaching on a topic that you know others that you love need. It’s the difference between doing something we enjoy or makes us look good and doing what we see others need. The summary is that when we love others, we look to their specific needs and try to meet them. When we love someone, we see multiple ways that we can love them. That’s how we discover and develop our gifts.

BBC, being a part of the body is much more than attending on Sunday. It is serving as part of the body of Christ as we fulfill our mission: to make disciples.