Family Friday: Church Library

To encourage reading and learning outside of Sunday school and Sunday worship, BBC will offer a small church lending library. The shelves in the office will hold books that you can borrow and return. You can check the books out during breakfast on Sunday or after the morning service. New and recommended books will be highlighted here on a regular basis.

I recently attended a pastors’ fellowship in our network of churches with astrophysicist Jason Lisle as the special speaker. I purchased several books as the beginning of a lending library that I think will be a benefit to you and your families. Among the books are The Ultimate Proof of Creation and Discerning Truth. The creation/evolution debate is extremely important because many, if not most, of our other beliefs flow from our belief in origins. Even if you’re not a scientist, it’s important to know the arguments and what’s at stake. Jason Lisle does a great job making difficult concepts clear for the layman reader.

Another book I’d like to highlight is a small book of catechisms. We’ve discussed the importance of catechisms before, and you can find several good ones online. This one is in booklet form, and it’s based on the London Baptist Confession. You can find The Young Baptist’s Catechism by Adam Murrell. This is a fantastic teaching tool and a great way to learn theology if you are a new believer.